Monday, April 20, 2009

Top 12 signs you're addicted to Twitter

I know you just got a little giddy when you saw Twitter in the title of this blog. I got giddy just typing it. After some discussion last week, it was decided that Whiskey Belle's next "Top Twelve Tuesday" list would be regarding our (mine, Whiskey Belle's and Sister Belle's) addiction to the fabulous social networking site, Twitter. In Whiskey Belle's honor, I now present you with the "Top 12 signs you're addicted to Twitter."

12. You haven't updated your Myspace or Facebook status in weeks.

11. You put an @ symbol in front of any person's name that you type. i.e. @lindsey_brooks @TheLB601 or @kelli_h (follow us!!)

10. You know what the "Fail Whale" is, and you loathe it.

9. You search on a daily basis for new twitterers...or is it twits? tweeps? tweeters?

8. You can make 100+ words that contain some form of the word "twitter".

7. You talk about Dane Cook/Perez Hilton/Kim Kardashian like you're all BFFs.

6. You've seen more pics of Bronx & Harlow than the paparazzi.

5. You watched Ashton Kutcher get his chest waxed.

4. You follow the local weatherman's tweets rather than tune in to the forecast on TV. Thank you @Eric_Law_WLBT !

3. Your blood pressure actually rises when you see the Fail Whale. How can it be "over capacity" at 4AM ?!?!?!?

2. You live for #followfriday and #musicmonday.

And the number 1 sign that you're addicted to Twitter:

You desperately want Perez to reply (kindly) to one of your tweets.


Whiskey Belle said...

Oh thank you so much for taking up my slack this week on the Top 12 -- it was absolutely inspiring!
Vote @aplusk over @spencerpratt!!!

Lindsay Moore said...

I love this! I am becoming quite addicted myself and I follow you girls. Still trying to figure it all out.

Lindsay Moore/SomethingBlueMS